Contact us
You can contact us in the following ways or through the form below
- Telephone: 073-224-2111 / 02-6728731
- Email:
Please fill in your details in the form below and we will get back to you ASAP:
More ways to donate
- Do not forget to tell us the name of trekker you are sponsoring unless you are making a general donation
- Please make sure any donations not made on this site are in favor of “AKIM-Jerusalem” and not AKIM
For online Foreign tax deductible donations:
For US or England please use the IsraelGives platform-
For offline tax deductible donations:
Cash or check can be sent in an
envelope to the following address:
Please write “PEF” on the top line and)
(“AKIM-Jerusalem” on the memo line
P.E.F.-Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
630 Third Ave, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Cash or check can be sent in an
envelope to the following address:
c/o Mr. Julian Bier
17 Keats Grove
London NW3 2RS
Bank Transfer:
Bank Hapoalim
Branch number- 782
Account number- 244440
Donate via telephone: 073-2242-111
Cash or check
Can be sent in an envelope to the
following address:
P.O. Box 53409