Contact us

You can contact us in the following ways or through the form below

Please fill in your details in the form below and we will get back to you ASAP:

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    More ways to donate

    • Do not forget to tell us the name of trekker you are sponsoring unless you are making a general donation
    • Please make sure any donations not made on this site are in favor of “AKIM-Jerusalem” and not AKIM

    For online Foreign tax deductible donations:

    For US or England please use the IsraelGives platform-

    For offline tax deductible donations:



    Cash or check can be sent in an
    envelope to the following address:
    Please write “PEF” on the top line and)
    (“AKIM-Jerusalem” on the memo line

    P.E.F.-Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
    630 Third Ave, 15th Floor
    New York, NY 10017



    Cash or check can be sent in an
    envelope to the following address:

    c/o Mr. Julian Bier
    17 Keats Grove
    London NW3 2RS


    Bank Transfer:
    Bank Hapoalim
    Branch number- 782
    Account number- 244440

    Donate via telephone: 073-2242-111

    Cash or check
    Can be sent in an envelope to the
    following address:

    P.O. Box 53409