דן ועמי אלקס

תרמו ועזרו לי להגיע ליעד שלי, למען דיירי אקים-ירושלים
    • *שם
    • ברצוני להעביר תרומה אנונימית
    • תרומה
    • הערה
  • עד היום גייסתי > 0₪
  • היעד שלי > 10758₪

Ami and Dan Elkus

Ami and Dan are a father and son team from Raanana. Dan is about to embark on his bar mitzva year, in which he will do 13 AMAZING things – beginning with the AKIM trek and ending with his aliya l’Torah next summer.

Ami and Dan share a love of adventure and the great outdoors – tiyulim, camping, sports, al ha’esh…. so the trek is right up their alley! Dan is also an amazing acrobat – watch out for him backflipping along the way! As one of 5 kids, Dan is particularly looking forward to having quality time with his Abba, away from home.

Raising money for such a wonderful cause while doing something they love is a no brainer.  Team Elkus says: bring it on!

AKIM-Jerusalem, an Israeli non-profit founded in 1951. Its mission is to develop, advance, and enhance the quality of life of Jerusalem’s intellectually challenged youth and adult population.