סמי ואייזק חסאן

תרמו ועזרו לי להגיע ליעד שלי, למען דיירי אקים-ירושלים
    • *שם
    • ברצוני להעביר תרומה אנונימית
    • תרומה
    • הערה
  • עד היום גייסתי > 0₪
  • היעד שלי > 10758₪

This year I turned 50 and Isaac will PG enter his 50th year. To mark this half century we are planning some exciting new adventures, starting with the Akim trek.

When I first made aliya I used to volunteer, doing drama improvisation with some of the Akim Jerusalem residents, I was very impressed with the staff and would see some of the residents at the local supermarkets and at community events.

Over the years Akim Jerusalem has developed some wonderful projects which enable the adults to integrate into society.  Last year Isaac hosted an Akim art exhibition at PICO Jerusalem, and we bought an Akim masterpiece which we are proud to have hanging in our dining room.

Please help us raise funds in order to improve their quality of life.

You can now donate directly through this webpage. 

Any donation, even small will be greatly apprecited. 

Thank you for your support for AKIM Jerusalem.

AKIM-Jerusalem, an Israeli non-profit founded in 1951. Its mission is to develop, advance, and enhance the quality of life of Jerusalem’s intellectually challenged youth and adult population.