איאן בראון

תרמו ועזרו לי להגיע ליעד שלי, למען דיירי אקים-ירושלים
    • *שם
    • ברצוני להעביר תרומה אנונימית
    • תרומה
    • הערה
  • עד היום גייסתי > 0₪
  • היעד שלי > 6455₪

AKIM-Jerusalem,  provides essential services for ​people with intellectual disabilities of all ages and levels of functioning​. ​ Here’s a​n example of one of the​ir​​ ​innovative programs​: ​​this year, AKIM-Jerusalem​ resident​s ​participated in the Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art, at once both ​enriching the Biennale with their creative work, and harnessing the healing and transformative power of art.

I have been hiking to raise money for AKIM-Jerusalem, often with family members, since their very first trek in 2003.

Together we can help AKIM-Jerusalem continue with their vital work​. ​

Thank you!

AKIM-Jerusalem, an Israeli non-profit founded in 1951. Its mission is to develop, advance, and enhance the quality of life of Jerusalem’s intellectually challenged youth and adult population.